Friday, 17 February 2012

Ladies Night

Last night at Black Jacks I played my first gig of 2012. It's taken me six weeks to come out of hibernation this year but it was definitely worth the wait for me because it was a brilliant night, I had a really good time, massively enjoyed playing and it was a really positive start to my gigging year.

I had planned about 40 mins worth of my songs to do but ended up doing about an hour I think because I was enjoying myself so much and seemed to go down well. (I think) ;) I aired three of my newest songs as well which was cool and they were received positively so I'm happy. If you want to hear some of my songs you can find links to them and other stuff about my gigs etc. on facebook.

I'm also playing another gig at Black Jacks in two weeks with my full band which I am massively excited about.

Anyway that's enough about me. Last night was the first of, hopefully more, ladies nights at Black Jacks.

I had the privilege of playing my set alongside three awesome ladies. Josie Boucharde, Chloe Hood, and Lizzie Corish.

Josie Boosh, the Pixie Rocker, kicked the night off with an absolutely foot stomping, rocking set of originals and covers. She's an absolute musical firecracker with powerful vocals who puts her own unique, and epic stamp on her songs. She finished her set off with an awesome rendition of 'F**k It' which we all sang along to.

After Josie, Chloe was up next. I hadn't ever heard Chloe play before so was really excited to hear her set. She started with a beautiful cover of 'Ain't no sunshine' and the first thing I thought was, "F**k me, that girl's got a voice". She has a seriously effortlessly amazing voice, she played a mixture of her own songs and covers and every song was beautifully executed. 

I then played my set, followed by the brilliant Lizzie C who rounded the evening off with another incredible effortless performance of both originals and covers. She can play any song and make it sound amazing, my personal favourite of her set was 'Tears dry on their own'  as a tribute to Amy Winehouse. She played a range of different songs and really demonstrated her versatility as a musician and performer. You can find out more about her here:

I highly recommend that everyone should go and check out these awesome awesome ladies as soon as you can, trust me you will not be disappointed. I was really proud last night to play alongside these talented women and to be a small part of the lets face it, pretty awesome female music scene in Plymouth.